Saturday, December 10, 2011

Lively Death!

Munificent life,
Joyous dreams disclose,
Games to be played,
Destinations to reach
Nascent steps- so wonderful!
God’s conspicuous enigma?

Ardently standing out in the rain,
Thou wish to wash away the “sin” and the “fear”,
Ever notice the smudged painting life’s become?
Yearn though thou might, for time to be timeless,
Forget not that there’s an end to the cameo
Uncanny, yet with surety, unraveling death!

Sorrows and happiness of yours, to be shared copiously
But the pangs of death, thou shall face in solitary confinement.
In thou body and soul, gnawing fingernails of destiny…
Nevertheless, freedom from the earthly cell
Leading to a blissful sabbatical.

The art of death thou must learn and paint
The ghostly hands that embrace but ambush
Easily like the graceful fog, thou shall melt away
With the torrents of life ebbing out to the heavenly manor,
Evolve and emancipate thyself, professional amateur!


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